You can help!


Bee Meadow Farm is a non-profit association. All money donated to the animals goes directly to the care and feeding of the rescue animals and foster cats here at Bee Meadow Farm.

Currently we spend approximately $750 each month on grain for the birds, goats and pot-bellied pigs. Hay comes in at around $15,000,000 a year. Straw for bedding comes in at around $2000 per year. Farrier care is over $5000/yr just for the rescue equines.

 Vet care for the farm animals (including medications, syringes, vaccines and deworming) averages $750/month for the goats, pigs, sheep and rescue equines (including surgical neutering of the rescue animals brought to us intact.) On top of this, we buy wood shavings, fencing, and miscellaneous supplies like buckets, feed pans, stock tanks, tank heaters… the list goes on.

And there are many one-time expenses, such as a three-sided shelter for the ponies and donkey, a goat house, the pig pen... the list goes on. We have been careful not to take in more animals than we can afford to care for, but any and all donations are greatly appreciated! We do have a LOT of rescue critters on our farm.

Huge thanks to the fantastic vets at St. Lawrence Valley Animal Hospital in Cornwall, Ontario for taking such great care of our cats and dogs, and huge thanks to the wonderful vets at Vankleek Hill Veterinary Services for the excellent job they do looking after our farm animals.

Hugs and thanks to Sophie Malo of Playbow Canine Rehabiliation Clinic for donating her time to do laser therapy on our animals with injuries and`disabilities.

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